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Das theoretische Wissen allein reicht im Arbeitsleben nicht aus. Wir möchten Studenten dabei unterstützen, schon während ihres Studiums Arbeitsluft zu schnuppern. Deshalb engagieren wir uns seit Jahren an der Fachhochschule Kiel in unterschiedlichen Projekten und Lehrveranstaltungen. Wir bringen unsere Erfahrungen und Denkweise eines agilen IT-Unternehmens an die Fachhochschule.
Für den Kurs Advanced Java stellen wir hier alle begleitenden Informationen in Form von Youtube-Videos zur Verfügung.
Videos zum Unterricht
Advanced Java im Überblick
#Session1: Setting up a project from scratch using gradle
This clip shows how to set up a java-project with the gradle build tool. It explains the basic workflows provided by gradle and some basic plugins. Additionally you will learn how to work with gradle projects in your IDE.
→ Zum Tutorial auf YouTube: Setting up a project from scratch using gradle
#Session2: Dependency management with gradle
This clip shows how to set up a java-project with the gradle build tool. It explains the basic workflows provided by gradle and some basic plugins. Additionally you will learn how to work with gradle projects in your IDE.
→ Zum Tutorial auf YouTube: Dependency management with gradle
#Session3: Troubleshooting gradle
This clip shows how to analyze and resolve common problems while running a gradle task. A special focus lies on problems in dependency management.
#Session4: Organizing code in gradle projects
This clip shows you two different approaches regarding project structure. We take a look at gradle sourcesets and how to configure a project. We then take a look at multiproject builds.
→ Zum Tutorial auf YouTube: Organizing code in gradle projects
#Session5: Generics Introduction
This clip shows you the benifits of using generics in Java.
#Session6: Generics - Bounded Type Parameters
This clip shows you using Java generics on method level and basics of bounded type parameters.
→ Zum Tutorial auf YouTube: Generics - Bounded Type Parameters
#Session7: Wildcards in generic type parameters
This clip shows the use of wildcards in generic type parameters.
→ Zum Tutorial auf YouTube: Wildcards in generic type parameters
#Session8: JUnit basics
This clip shows you basic concepts of writing unit tests using the JUnit framework.
#Session9: JUnit rules, suites and exceptions
This clip shows you more advanced usecases for writing JUnit tests. This includes Rules, Suites and testing Exceptional state in unit tests.
→ Zum Tutorial auf YouTube: JUnit rules, suites and exceptions
#Session10: Basic Introduction to CDI
We use the Google Guice and the Pivotal Spring Frameworks to demonstrate the basic setup of dependency injection in Java. This clip covers only the manual setup. There is also a showcase of a unit test. The source code can be found on GitHub
#Session11: Creating a ReSTful Webapp using Spring Boot
We create a very simple ReSTful webapp using the MVC pattern. A 3-tier-architecture is envisioned but not implemented to concentrate only on the relevant parts for ReST. Of course we use dependency injection and the powerful features of Spring Boot: autoconfigure.
→ Zum Tutorial auf YouTube: Creating a ReSTful Webapp using Spring Boot
#Session12: Introduction to mocking with Mockito
In this clip we will compare writing unit tests with a mocking framework like Mockito against using no mocking framework after all.
→ Zum Tutorial auf YouTube: Introduction to mocking with Mockito
#Session13: Mockito API explained
In this clip we will have a brief look a the different opportunities that Mockito has to offer.
#Session14: Writing unit tests with spock
In this clip we will dive into writing unit tests by using the spock framework - a groovy api for writing unit tests in BDD-style.
#Session15: Testing a RestController in SpringBoot w.MockMvc
You will get to know how to write a Unit test for a RestController in a SpringBoot-environment using the MockMVC-object. The Controller was written in a previous video clip in the same playlist as this one. Source Code on GitHub.
→ Zum Tutorial auf YouTube: Testing a RestController in SpringBoot w.MockMvc
#Session16: Java 8 Stream API by example
In this clip you will be confrontated with examples of the Java 8 Stream API. You should get an idea of how to use and apply the different functionalities of a
#Session17: Exceptionhandling in your Spring RestController
In this clip we show you how you can handle exceptions that occur in your RequestMapping methods. We show you 3 ways of doing so: write your own Exception, write an ErrorHandler and write a RestControllerAdvice.
→ Zum Tutorial auf YouTube: Exceptionhandling in your Spring RestController
#Session18: Using Spring InitBinder
In this clip we use the Spring InitBinder to automatically convert Request Parameters to Objects.
#Session19: Java 8 Optional
In this clip we show you the features of the Optional introduced in Java 8.
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